The newsletter Simile, in its various evolving forms, debuting as Similia in 1970, celebrates 50 years! This is thus a most auspicious issue, with carte blanche to indulge in reminiscing over what has been a labour of love and dedication for many. Simile itself, with this name goes back to 1991, when Peter Fisher was the editor, and launched it by proclaiming, in a very enthusiastic way: ‘Simile is yours!’ The mission statement was to be ‘topical, accessible and international, allowing the publication of urgent, relatively brief items of news.’ 

Like today, Similia/Simile relied on its readers to feed it news, particularly that deemed to be of importance to the homeopathic community. I note that competitions were run to encourage people to submit case reports. I am musing on how we could perhaps
reinvigorate this idea! Suggestions for competitions and prizes and donations most welcome! There is wisdom in these early editions, some of which could be inspirational to us now. We can certainly learn from these past issues and the experiences relayed and be proud of our evolution and the fact that we, fundamentally, are a community who continues to be dedicated to homeopathy, whether we are doctors, vets, pharmacists or allied practitioners, as Faculty members. Homeopathy binds us together; it is the glue that unifies us. The hope in this article is that we can reflect and celebrate some key contributors to Simile, remember significant figures who have been featured over the years, focus on some great achievements and lessons learnt and move forward with the same integrity, dignity and force of our predecessors.


To read more from this article from Simile 50th Anniversary Edition please click here

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