Dr Thompson opened her lecture by affirming that Dr Hughes was indeed a controversial figure. She went on to suggest he may have been left brain dominant, being analytical and methodical in his thinking: a ‘systemized’ thinker who considered the concept of the vital force and high dilutions were ‘not scientific.’ He created a ‘battleground’ not unlike many of us these days are faced with, Elizabeth, at one stage, being no exception. This conflict prompted her realisation that she needed balance in life. This was possibly a catalyst for the birth of The National Centre for Integrative Medicine, (NCIM) and the now wide
range of complementary therapies available to everyone, on ‘a 1-1 basis to inspire health and wellbeing.’ Fundamentally, she stated, Integrative Medicine can be described as treatments which:
* Bring together conventional lifestyle and holistic approaches to support wellbeing
* A system of treatment where wellness and resilience are core concepts
* Where balance and vitality are supported
* Reduce disease risk and optimises health
* Is an empowered model offering diversity and choice to patients and clinician
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