Our present to you: 20% off Congress on-demand viewing over Christmas
We are offering you the opportunity to catch up on Congress you may have missed and save 20% by using the following discount code:
Please go to the link above to rent presentations (on-demand for 1 week) or stream (on-demand anytime) individually for now only £9.60-£12 or the whole presentation collection for £52-£60 including the Christmas discount.
If you subscribed to the 99th Congress on Friday, 22nd October you will have received an email providing you with free access via a promotional code to all of the content on-demand. Please contact Alison Davies if you require further information [email protected]
The Congress was very well received as evidenced by some wonderful feedback:
“Lovely to join with everyone & be together again”
“Love the format - keeps it personal and interactive while allowing order by timed pre-recorded presentations”
“Enjoying it all, loving the graphics”
“Had a fantastic day listening to everbody, this evening is the icing on the cake!”
If you haven't seen the presentations this is your chance to watch all of the content plus the interactive Q&A sessions using the Christmas discount offer - don't miss out!