A case report:
Evidence-based homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy, and its potential to help overcome the antimicrobial resistance problem - an overview & wound healing disorder in a horse, associated with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, resolved with a homeopathic medicine.
In this webinar Dr Petra Weiermayer addresses the evidence-base for homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy looking at systematic reviews and meta analyses. The potential role of homeopathy to help reduce antimicrobial resistance will be described. This will be illustrated with a case study of a horse with an antibiotic resistant infection.
In 2020 Dr Weiermayer co-authored the review: "Evidence-based homeopathy and veterinary homeopathy, and its potential to help overcome the antimicrobial resistance problem – an overview" which was published in a conventional peer reviewed journal Swiss Veterinary Archives . This will form the basis of this presentation and is the first time that this paper has been presented in English in such a forum.
Read overview of the paper here and full text
About the Dr. Peithner award - New scientific insights into homeopathy
At a very special digital event, the Austrian Society of Homeopathic Medicine in conjunction with Schwabe Austria presented Dr Peithner award to two outstanding research projects in the field of homeopathy
Evidence about homeopathic treatment of infections One of the prize-winning research projects is the narrative review “Evidence-based veterinary/homeopathic treatment and its potential relevance in treating the problem of antibiotic resistance,” which was published last October in a conventional peer-reviewed journal. The primary author, Dr Petra Weiermayer, presented jointly with her veterinary colleague Dr Liesbeth Ellinger and human-medicine physicians Dr Thomas Peinbauer as well as Dr Michael Frass. Together they conveyed a nuanced depiction of the objective evidence about the efficacy of homeopathy in human and veterinary homeopathy in general as well as the evidence about homeopathic treatment of infections in particular. “Reducing the use of antibiotics is an extremely important topic in modern medicine,” stated Dr Fritz Gamerith. “Anything which allows patients to get by without antibiotics will help us in the future. And thankfully, now that homeopathy in Austria is in the hands of medical professionals, patients can also be confident that they will receive antibiotics if indicated even while undergoing homeopathic treatment.”
“In addition, to a detailed explanation of the data which shows evidence of efficacy in human and veterinary homeopathy in general and homeopathic treatments of infections in particular, our review also communicated an evidence-based critique of the approaches and scientific communications in the second Australian National Health and Medical Research Council report,“ stated the primary author, Dr Petra Weiermayer. She is a specialist veterinarian for homeopathy, president of the Austrian society of veterinary homeopathy and the speaker for the research workgroup of the Scientific Society for Homeopathy. “Above all, this research has to be regarded in the context of the major problem of antibiotic resistance,“ said the former president of the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH) and general practitioner Dr Thomas Peinbauer, who led the assessment of the scientific aspects of homeopathy at the beginning of his career and who co-wrote the review. “I had never seen conventional medicine and homeopathy as being in conflict. In my mind, the two always very naturally co-existed alongside one another. It always has been and still remains important to me that we manage to anchor ourselves in the setting of integrative medicine,“ Dr Peinbauer added.
To read the Press release regarding Dr Peithner Award