76th LMHI World Homeopathic Congress in Bogota, Colombia
Dear World Homeopaths:
In the context of this new reality that the world is experiencing, the Luis G. Páez University Foundation - UNIPÁEZ assumes with pride and great commitment the challenge that the Colombian Association of Homeopathy, headed by its President, Dr. John Eduardo Bastidas Meza, delegates to us; commitment that for the institutional and academic community of UNIPÁEZ means a historic opportunity to highlight, through the activities of the 76th World Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, the vital contributions of Homeopathy to the well-being of humanity. Additionally, we will fulfill with great height and suitability, the purpose that was defined for this congress around the challenges that even today in the world mean education and professional qualification for doctors in this area of medicine, from our own experience as a University Institution that has postgraduate programs for the training of doctors and veterinarians, recognized by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia. This also means for our Institution the wonderful opportunity to fulfill the legacy of the Colombian Homeopathic Physician Luis G. Páez, who dedicated his professional life and heritage to the training of professionals in the field of homeopathy.
As Dr. Bastidas referred, the development of this congress has a particular connotation given the "importance that Colombia, and the Latin American community, are pioneers in research and training of leaders in this knowledge" through Higher Education Institutions and Universities and, in this context, UNIPÁEZ will contribute valuable discussion elements from its experience, which will allow us to identify strategies to increasingly articulate the practice of homeopathy in Public Health Systems in Colombia and in the world, integrating its practice with the other medical specialties.
This Congress will also have the challenge of analyzing the progress and fulfillment of the objectives of the Strategy of the World Health Organization - WHO on traditional medicine 2014-2023, especially on the recognition of "Traditional, complementary, integrative medicines - TCIM, as Homeopathy, as an important and often underestimated part of healthcare in the world” and in this sense, to evaluate if the task of qualification of professionals in these fields of health has allowed a care with quality, safety and efficacy proven, helping to develop a broader vision regarding the improvement of health and well-being. Professionals who are capable of influencing the public and private health systems of the world, to act against the vulnerability, risks and impacts on the well-being of living beings associated with climate change, who are capable of taking measures that minimize these impacts and protect the health of living beings, particularly that of the most vulnerable groups.
Without a doubt, the current social circumstances that Colombia and the world are experiencing, not only due to the effect of the pandemic, demand professionals with these characteristics.
Colombia and Bogotá, will receive you with open arms from October 24 to 28, 2023 to develop in the 76th World Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League and, as Dr. Bastidas said, discover the richness of our cultural diversity, enjoy the kindness of the people in Colombia, the fascination of its natural surroundings, its delicious gastronomy, and to enjoy the experience of this scientific and cultural enrichment, which will take place for the first time in our country.