Is there a place for the whole person in contemporary medicine? Can we move beyond reductionist science to embrace the soul and spirit as well as the physical body?
The English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine is a part-time post-graduate training for physicians. It explores new ways of understanding a patient’s condition that go beyond current purely physically-based medicine, emphasising the patient’s spiritual, psychological and bodily capacities for resilience.
The training provides a foundation for prescribing natural medicines and a range of non-medicinal therapies that have been shown in general practice
to radically reduce the prescribing of antibiotics and other groups of conventional medicines, while improving patient satisfaction.
Who is it for?
The course is designed for registered medical practitioners but a few places will be open to other health care professsionals.
Ideal for physicians looking to:
- Learn new ways of observing and researching nature, medicinal plants, human anatomy and physiology,
- Develop a comprehensive perception of patients and illness that encompasses
body, soul and spirit, - Form a new relationship to medicines and their source materials through
plant and mineral studies, - Experience how art supplements science and widens understanding,
- Explore exercises and meditations that support the ethical and spiritual development of health care professionals on their personal development journey.
For more information on the course faculty and to apply please download the e-flyer below.
Alternatively, please visit:
English Training in ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE - Emerson College
and www.anthroposophic-drs-training.org
or email: [email protected]
Applications will be considered in order of receipt.