SWSWSHG Presents: A talk and discussion in three parts, with EWALD STÖTELER
Part 1 - Tuesday 21st January from 8-10pm (UK time) on Zoom.
(Parts 2 & 3 to follow, 18th February & 18th March)
Registered Health Professionals and Students welcome
We will develop our understanding of how to apply repertorisation and the use of the Q potencies (LM’s), nosodes and intercurrent remedies. HOMEOPATHY ACCORDING TO THE 6TH EDITION OF HAHNEMANN’S “ORGANON” AND “THE CHRONIC DISEASES ”WSWSHG presents: In §71-80 of the Organon, Hahnemann gives instructions as to the classification of the chronic diseases, describing the ways in which the vital dynamis is disturbed. In this 3-part series Ewald will continue the themes of disease classification, and how we might approach case analysis and treatment according to Hahnemann’s own methodology.
For further details and to register, please contact Dominic Upton
at [email protected]
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