Hybrid CPD and networking event of the London Homeopathic Group near Kings Cross/St Pancras

This meeting will be an interactive workshop today from 7-9 pm with presentation of homeopathic cases, poems on homeopathic materia and miasm.

This meeting will be face-to-face as requested by some of you but you can also attend via zoom.

Venue :
St . Mary le Savoy with St. George’s German Lutheran Church (Marienkirche)  at 10 Sandwich Street, WC1H 9PL


Please send Dr Susanne Dreher-Brogan an email to [email protected] if you wish to attend online so that you can  be issued with a Zoom link.

Discover a joyful, artistic way to explore homeopathic remedies/miasms! 

Come to this CPD session or attend on Zoom to experience how mnemonics, poems and art works can be used to get a deeper understanding of homeopathic materia medica.

Bring your imagination and innovative ideas and your poems and artwork!  - everyone is welcome! 

Let's celebrate Materia Medica as an experience, not just an academic study.
Here is the programme:

  • Homeopathic case presentations and poems on homeopathic Materia Medica (Prof Shailendra R Vaishampayan
  • Poems on homeopathic materia medica (Dr Spiros Kivellos)
  • Hahnemann’s Miasms  (Dr SK Dreher-Brogan)

Please aim to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before 7 pm outside the church or in the waiting room on Zoom at 7 pm.

As always you can bring one of your more challenging short homeopathic cases but let Susanne know in advance how much time you need on 0208 656 6000.

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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