Introduction into Integrated Medicine for Healthcare Practitioners
This course is a short and practical introduction to lifestyle pillars of health and a variety of complementary therapies. The course is aimed particularly at GPs and medical doctors, but will be of great value to other health professionals and medical students interested in lifestyle medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It is taught by experienced medical staff of the Royal London Hospital for Integrative Medicine and will take place online (via Zoom) over 4 days.
This enjoyable and intensive course will enable you to:
* Improve your ability to help patients with common conditions
* Better understand and try different complementary therapies
* Increase your patients’ choice of treatments
* Encourage patient responsibility for their health and self-care
* Review the evidence-base for some complementary therapies
* Advise and refer appropriately
* Reflect on ways to look after yourself
Daily schedule
Due to ongoing need for additional precautions against COVID-19 within UCLH hospitals, the course will take place online via Zoom. Presentations (but not discussions) will be recorded and made available to the attendees for 1 month after the last day of the course.
Each day will include a balance of:
* Brief presentations from experienced practitioners, introducing their specialised therapies and giving examples of easy-to-apply techniques that you can use.
* Discussion of evidence, effectiveness and indications for treatment or referral.
* Reflection on ways to look after yourself with simple techniques and exercises.
Examples of topics covered and range of presenters:
Lifestyle Medicine
Food as Medicine - a holistic approach to a healthy diet with Tracy Kelly, registered dietitian.
Sleep as Medicine - effective evidence-based approach to treating common sleep problems with Dr Hugh Selsick, Consultant psychiatrist and Specialist in Sleep medicine.
Exercise as medicine with Dr Nicholas Straiton, specialist doctor in integrative musculoskeletal medicine.
Rest as medicine with Klara Campbell, senior occupation therapist.
A discussion of clinical uses and a short practice in the following complementary and alternative therapies:
Autogenic Training with Jane Bird, Autogenic Trainer and author.
Everyday Acupuncture with Dr Mike Cummings, Medical Director, British Medical Acupuncture Society.
Tai Chi with Dr Lisa-Renee Sharpe, consultant paediatrician and Tai Chi master.
Yoga with Anji Gopal, musculoskeletal clinician and yoga teacher.
Hypnotherapy - Dr Saskia Kloppenburg-Veith, consultant in internal medicine.
Mindfulness - Lara Geordiades registered nurse and mindfulness therapist.
Mind Body medicine with Dr Christos Sideras, consultant psychiatrist.
Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine with Prof John Hughes,
Director of Research for the RLHIM
Natural remedies - self help or self harm? with Dr Ekaterina Mishanina, Specialty Doctor in Integrative Medicine and Education Co-Lead for the RLHIM
For further details please contact:
The Academic Unit, The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
60 Great Ormond Street
London WC1N 3HR Telephone 0203 448 2311, Fax 0203 448 2312
Email: [email protected]
Special introductory price: £560 for 4 days, £300 2 days, £150 individual days.
Early bird £500 by 30/11/21
For more details about the programmes please click below.