National Centre for Integrative Medicine Masterclass

Andreas will be sharing the highlights of his clinical practice during this Masterclass bringing cases with interesting aspects from all kingdoms. He will talk about a new way of understanding the periodic table and its application in cases. He will also explain how he conducts and analyses a special format of provings with small groups.

In addition, Andreas will give some hints (and material) to some of these provings – Kalium mur, Calcium mur, Natrium metallic, Chlorum, Natrium iodatum, Selen, Neptunium metallicum. Andreas also hopes to share some helpful experience with some rare mammaliae remedies.

About Andreas Holling

Andreas has been working as a homeopathic doctor in private practice in Münster since 1986. Studied with J. Künzli, J. Becker, A. Geukens, J. Shah, R. Sankaran, H. Frei. Methodological focus, sensation method, Boenninghausen and Boger method. Author of the HomöoQuest flashcards and developed his own concept on the periodic table of the elements: “The Dimension Theory”. Founder of the German-speaking doctors’ network Epihom for homeopathic exchange in epidemics.

Event Details

Date: Saturday 26 March 2022

Time: 10 am – 4.30 pm

Online: Zoom (you will receive booking information and any handouts 48-hrs before the event)

Book now for £50


If you got any questions about the event or about accessing discounts, please contact[email protected] / 0117 – 973 8035

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