In collaboration with The Other Song Academy in Mumbai. Dr Sadaf Ulde sits on their current roster of impressive international practitioners, teachers and ambassadors, and she has very kindly consented to deliver a live and exclusive address to us on Tuesday March 19th. Dr Sadaf’s talk, which will begin at 8pm UK time, will be entitled “Study Of Miasms In The Sensation Method”, and will trace the evolution of the theory of miasms, the relevance in the Sensation Method of a perception of the miasmatic background in each case history, and how this is incorporated amongst the five factors that Dr Sankaran has identified as crucial for a comprehensive case analysis, (namely the Superclass, the Kingdom/Subkingdom, the Miasm, the Characteristics and the Keynotes).
If you’d like to take part in this 2-hour session, kindly email Dominic Upton [email protected] to indicate your preference for receiving the link on the day. A contribution of £10 is requested.
The e-flyer can be downloaded below.