The world-renowned homeopathic teacher from the Netherlands, Alize Timmerman is presenting. Her talk this month is entitled The Resonation of Remedies, and will focus on the selection of homeopathic remedies in resonation with the knowledge of the Wise Woman. Alize has a unique and refreshing sensitivity with which she communicates her own knowledge and understanding. A vast range of topics have been covered in these recent groups, from provings of lichens and Spirulina, the Sensational Experience of the MRNA Spike Protein, insights into RNA and DNA viruses, the different expressions of the successive waves of Corona, and a great deal more besides There will be an opportunity for discussion after Alize’s talk.
If you would like to attend please email Dominic Upton [email protected]
A contribution of £10 is requested to gain admittance, and the WSWSHG Bank Details follow here:
Account type: Business Current Account
Account number: 48245267
Sort code: 52-41-56
Please make your payment using your first initial and surname as your reference.
The meeting will be recorded, however the recording will not be available to view or to distribute electronically, the only way to view it will be privately by arrangement, on the group’s own equipment at our usual meeting place in Haslemere, Surrey.