The Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York Presents Dr. Ed Kondrot, MD, Ophthalmologist

A 3-hour Zoom webinar discussing . . .

  • Treating acute eye conditions
  • Treating the red eye
  • History of Homeopathic Ophthalmology in the US
  • Dry Eyes
  • Floaters
  • Cataracts
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Glaucoma

Dr. Kondrot has been a board-certified ophthalmologist since 1981 and has practiced classical homeopathic medicine for 30 years. He is board-certified in homeopathic medicine (DABHM, CCH). He is the Director of Healing the Eye and Wellness Centers ( and he hosted the Healthy Vision Talk Radio show (KFNX) for 22 years. Having presented at several homeopathic and ophthalmologic conferences, he is also the author of five best-selling books about visual and general health. His latest book, “Homeopathic Opththalmology, An Eye Surgeon Discovers A 225 Year Old Secret to Reverse Vision Loss,” will be released this year.

May 13, 1-4 PM Eastern time (6pm-9pm BST)

Members $50. Non-members $75.

Register online at

Everyone registering will be given a complimentary copy of Dr. Kondrot’s new book on homeopathic ophthalmology.

Treating Eye Disease Homeopathically
Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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