Meeting on Tuesday February 21st, at 8pm (UK time) on Zoom, for another in a series of exceptional talks which we are holding in collaboration with the Other Song Academy, Mumbai
One never ceases to be amazed at the wealth of extraordinary talent emanating from this centre of genuine excellence in Homeopathy, established by Dr Sankaran in 2011. Active on the faculty there, practising Homeopathy since 2008, and now responsible for the Cancer Care Clinic at Prana, a world-class Homoeopathy yoga centre, the first of its kind anywhere in the world, is Dr Shrikant Talari, our esteemed Speaker for our evening together.
Addressing our group live and exclusively on the night, Dr Talari will present a talk and discussion entitled Mind Symptoms Decoded. As he will show, a clear grasp of a patient’s mind symptoms offers us access to the real essence of the case. However, there is a peculiar art and skill to eliciting mind symptoms. Dr Talari will speak to us about how to develop this art and skill, with a view to effective repertorisation in mind symptoms.
If you would like to attend this session, please contact Dominic Upton [email protected] a contribution of £10 is requested to gain admittance - this enables us to pay our speakers for their professional input.
The meeting will be recorded, however the recording will not be available to view or to distribute electronically, the only way to view it will be privately by arrangement, on the group’s own equipment at our usual meeting place in Haslemere, Surrey.