The Third in the series:
Vithoulkas Compass FREE demonstration using Real Life case studies
Andrew Ward will demonstrate this system which you can rely on to reach your potential in practice, even in the most complex cases, bringing forward what really works in homeopathy, to assist you in the most important tasks, to locate the correct remedy and produce real positive results in the health of your patients.
In this third demonstration, you will have the opportunity to see a reliable and evidence-based model of homeopathic practice using Real Life Cases.
A case of Lyme disease treated with Classical Homeopathy prescribing
Lymes Disease is a disease and syndrome that its estimated affects several million people worldwide and 500,000 cases in the US alone annually.
A difficult and challenging condition to treat with a myriad of strange presenting symptoms and known as the “Great Imitator”, Lymes can look like many other pathologies including ME, Chronic Fatigue, MS, Epstein Barr, Lupus etc.
Andrew Ward Dip IACH R.S. Hom will illustrate the approach to treating this difficult condition with the example of a recently treated case, using the powerful Vithoulkas Compass repertory and analysis programme.
The case will be presented, analysed and Materia Medica of the prescribed remedy explained.
Followed by Q&A.
The case will be presented with the aid of Vithoulkas Compass repertory analysis software.
Vithoulkas Compass will be offering all attendees a 1 month free trial together with a 20% discount* on all 6 and 12 month subscriptions.
*Faculty members are entitled to a 25% exclusive discount
Don't miss out - register today!
Tickets are FREE demonstration but places are limited.
1400-1500 hours (Greenwich Mean Time)
1500-1600 hours (Central European Time)
1930-2030 hours (India Standard Time)
0900-1000 hours (Eastern Standard Time)
0600-0700 hours (Pacific Standard Time)
2200-2300 hours (Hong Kong Time)
Enquiries to Alison Davies, Digital Communications Officer:
If you missed the first demonstration discussing a case of ulcerative colitis/proctitis case you can watch this on-demand HERE