A genuine Master of homeopathic prescribing, and on offer to us this month is a presentation by Prof. L.M. Khan who will be joining us on Zoom, live from Kolkata, West Bengal at 7pm BST on Tuesday May 16th.
His talk is entitled The Art of Prescribing. Appearances of this kind by Prof L.M. Khan are not easy to come by, and we are personally grateful to Dr Amit Habbu and his colleagues for the annual HomoeoCon seminars, which provide such a wonderful setting to learn from Dr Khan and others.
We will hear from Dr. Kahn that in the vast jungle of a patient's assorted symptoms, many traps are laid for the homeopath. This is where the Art is needed, and we will discover that the laws of physics of interconnectedness and interdependence, when applied to the totality of symptoms, will lead to a successful prescription. Especially touching in his delivery is the degree to which Dr Khan communicates the “joy”, the “pleasure”, the “fragrance”, the “beauty” of prescribing. His brilliant case examples illustrate what we must take from Hahnemann’s Aphorism 153. Various remedy pictures with differentiations included are brought so vividly to life, and obscure rubrics are made instantly memorable in all of his descriptions.
If you would like to reserve your place, please email Dominic Upton [email protected]
A contribution of £10 is requested to gain admittance
We very much hope you will be able to join this session, and a further reminder along with an e-flyer which you are invited to circulate among colleagues, students and other health professionals is attached to this email.
Please download the flyer below