Dr Katarina Glas, MD

Born in Slovenia in 1969, lived with parents 8 years in South Africa, completed Primary and Secondary School, received a Zois Scholarship for gifted pupils throughout Medical University, completed primary education in Homeopathy by ECH in 2000, completed specialisation in General Practice in 2003, completed IACH education in 2014.

Opened private practice for Homeopathy in 2009, held presentations at WoncaEurope in Ljubljana in 2003, the European Congress of Homeopathy in Vienna in 2016, presented posters at Slovenian Neurologic symposiums on the homeopathic treatment of Migraine/Headache five times (2019 - 2023) and delivered a presentation at the 19th Panhellenic Congress of Homeopathic Medicine in Athens in 2023.

Has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals, and cooperated with reporting on the homeopathic treatment of COVID-19 cases for the IACH and the Clificol project.

Member of Medical Chambre of Slovenia, Slovenian Medical Association - Palliative care and Pediatric sections, Union of Slovenian GPs, Slovenian Homeopathic Society, LMHI, ECH, and Faculty of Homeopathy. Married since 1997 and mother of four daughters.

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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