Established in London in 1844, we are the UK's longest established homeopathic training and membership organisation
On 10th April 1844, the British Homoeopathic Society (BHS) held its inaugural meeting in the Arlington Street, Piccadilly, London, residence of Dr Frederick Hervey Foster Quin. There were several notable doctors in attendance, including Dr Constantine J Hering, who was visiting the UK at the time. The date chosen for this inaugural meeting was the birthday of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, who died on 2 July 1843. Dr Quin took the position of first President of the organisation; a role in which he continued until his death in 1878.
The BHS continued for 100 years until it was renamed The Faculty of Homeopathy in 1944. In 1950 the organisation was incorporated by an Act of the UK Parliament, The Faculty Of Homeopathy Act. Since its founding, there have been 180 years of medical homeopathic practice, many well-known personalities, some highs, and low points, and many patients whose lives have been turned around as a result of homeopathic treatments.
Extract from the Homeopathy Journal 2019 - Special Editorial FOH Celebrating 175 Years of Excellence in Homeopathic Practice by Dr Gary Smyth. To download the complete article please use the link below.
Our history…
There is no other homeopathic education provider or membership organisation quite like the Faculty of Homeopathy. The Faculty of Homeopathy has a rich history:
- The British Homeopathic Society was founded in 1844
- The British Homeopathic Journal, now Homeopathy, was first published in 1911
- In 1944 the British Homeopathic Society became the Faculty of Homeopathy
- The Faculty of Homeopathy was incorporated by a UK Act of Parliament (The Faculty of Homoeopathy Act) in 1950
- Previous monarchs have always chosen their homeopathic physician from the Faculty of Homeopathy’s membership
- In 2024, the Faculty of Homeopathy celebrated its 100th International Congress (in Edinburgh)