Membership Benefits

Our personal membership categories are Associate, Licentiate (LFHom), Diplomate (DFHom), Member by Examination (MFHom/MFHom Int), Member by Equivalence (MFHom/MFHom Int), Member on the Specialist Register (MFHom Spec Reg), Fellow (FFHom), and Honorary Fellow (FFHom (Hon)). Each membership category has its own benefits. Please contact our Membership Team for full details of the  Benefits of Membership Membership

Regardless of your membership category or location, every Faculty of Homeopathy practitioner member:

  • receives a digital/printable Annual Membership Certificate
  • receives an annual digital member badge/logo, which you can use to support your personal branding and promote your professional association with the Faculty of Homeopathy
  • is eligible to a personal digital subscription to Homeopathy, the Faculty of Homeopathy owned and highly acclaimed scientific/medical journal
  • is offered free, anytime, online access to the Homeopathy journal archives
  • receives a personal digital subscription (4 copies per year) to Simile, the Faculty of Homeopathy members magazine
  • has free, anytime, online access to the Simile archives
  • is offered priority booking, and a member’s discount, for all Faculty of Homeopathy paid-for events, including the highly-accliamed biennial Faculty of Homeopathy Congress - a highly sought after event in the homeopathic calendar
  • receives a personal User Account for the Faculty of Homeopathy Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hub and the Members area of the Faculty of Homeopathy website. Our CPD hub is only accessible to our Members and Affiliates
  • is eligible for practitioner discounts with the three UK Homeopathic Pharmacies
  • receives an annual subscription to all Faculty of Homeopathy e-newsletters and member only broadcasts
  • has access to professional networking opportunities
  • qualifies for a 10% discount on all books on the Saltire Books website 
Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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