Dr Raj Kumar Manchanda
MD (Hom), MBA (Health care), FFHom (Hon)
Graduated from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College; New Delhi. M.D.(Hom) from Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Jaipur. Master’s degree in health care administration [M.B.A.(HCA)] from Delhi University, India. Conferred FFHom (Hon) by the Faculty of Homoeopathy, UK. Honorary Doctorate in Traditional and Complementary Medicine [PhD (TCM)] by Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Malaysia.
Secretary for Information & Communication, LMHI
Chairperson, Homoeopathic Sectional Committee, Department of Ayush, at Bureau of Indian Standards, Government of India
Chief Medical Officer in Senior Administrative Grade at Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi, India
Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, under Ministry of Ayush, Government of India (2012-2019)
Director, Directorate of Ayush, Government of Delhi, India (2019-2023)
Secretary for Research, LMHI (2013-2019)
Distinguished experience of more than 40 years, as a clinician, researcher, teacher, and health administration. Worked in various positions within the Government sector, most important are Director General, at the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India (2012 to 2019) and Director, Directorate of Ayush, Government of Delhi (2019-2023)
Provided supportive supervision as Principal Investigator/Co-PI to more than 30 clinical, 22 fundamental, 40 verification, 20 drug proving studies and 3 public health programs. Spearheaded several initiatives in providing care to COVID-19 patients using AYUSH systems besides undertaking 5 large-scale clinical research data collection projects.
10 MoUs with different organizations in the USA, UK, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, Armenia, Australia, Brazil, Germany, and Israel and 30 MoUs with homoeopathic medical colleges within India were signed to create a network for National & International multicentric studies. The Short-Term Studentship in Homoeopathy (STSH) program and MD scholarship program were instituted to inculcate research aptitude among students.
As Chairman of the sub-committee of the Drug Technical Advisory Board, of the Government of India, brought amendments to the rules of the Drug and Cosmetic Act for popularising and ensuring the wide availability of homoeopathic drugs.
215 peer-reviewed publications as per the Google Scholar Citation report [CITATION 1611. H-index 20, i10-index 51]
Coauthored a book: Textbook of Dermatology for Homoeopaths in English and Spanish language.