Previous Faculty of Homeopathy Congresses

99th Congress Report from Simile Vol 50 Issue 3

Homeopathy: Connecting our global community

11th-14th October 2018 - Liverpool, UK

Homeopathy: Healthy Patients, Healthy Practice

3-6 November 2016 - Belfast, Northern Ireland

Report of the British Homeopathic Congress

London 21-24 October 1970 

Firstly I must state that the papers given at this Congress will not appear in full in this report, as they can be read in their entirety elsewhere in this edition of the journal. Hence only the relevant parts that evoked discussion will be quoted. 

The Congress took place in London during 21-24 October 1970, under the presidency of Dr Margery Blackie. It was composed of scientific sessions, mainly devoted to research, and held at the Royal London Homceopathy Hospital, and social events, in the evenings and visits for the ladies and accompanying persons. 


Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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