Diana Ayres

B.Sc. (hons), A.R.C.S., B.Sc. (hons)(Pod. Med), MRCPod, TCL

LFHom. (Pod)

How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?

For many years I have been interested in homeopathy. From time to time I have used remedies bought at the local chemist.

A few years ago I suddenly developed a severe respiratory condition that did not respond well to conventional medicine. Eventually I turned to homeopathy and in time my condition cleared up. When the Covid epidemic lockdown occurred, we had a lot of unexpected free time. I applied to the Faculty for training and was very pleased to have been accepted on the training course, which I am still doing. 

How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?

Calendula cream is an antiseptic and it is also useful for other skin conditions. It is non-irritant and seems to be very effective.

Hypercal drops can be used as a mild styptic for those rare occasions where a small bleeding point occurs during treatment.

Arnica cream can be useful on unbroken skin for swellings, perhaps on a sore ankle.

Thuja is an established treatment for verrucae pedis (warts on the foot). Podiatry courses advise that thuja cream be applied by patients where appropriate.

If appropriate, the tissue salts of Dr Schuessler could be recommended to a patient. For example, the Calc Fluor salts may be useful where there is localised foot osteoarthritis with osteophytes.

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