Karen Hooton


How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?

I was doing my degree in Reflexology at Napier University in 1999 when I was asked if I wanted to change over to the homeopathic honours degree as they were looking for people that were Statutory Registered health professionals, I still held my nurse registration so I changed courses and was introduced to homeopathy in depth, it was an intense 2 years of study. I thought it would complement my other therapies well and it does. I am one of only a handful of people that hold this qualification.

How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?

Over the years the way I have used homeopathy has changed, I started out using homeopathy with my ‘general’ clients and for myself, friends and family on a more acute basis for dental or wound healing, sickness, coughs and colds and am still asked what magic remedy to I have for this or that?

With the charity Midlothian Sure Start while working as their therapist, I was able to use the homeopathy to help new mums with PND and other aliments that they or the children were suffering with.

When running the HUK Edinburgh clinic, I would see many different conditions and used homeopathy alone. Since leaving the clinic I have been developing a holistic fertility method that combines all my therapies and coaching to give the best outcomes for those trying to conceive.

Tell us about your own experience with Homeopathy

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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