Homeopath’s Name: Geoff Johnson
Profession: Veterinary Surgeon
Q1. What inspired you to add Homeopathy to your portfolio of treatments?
I had always suffered from extreme hayfever requiring eyedrops and antihistamines for much of the summer. In 1995 I went to Glastonbury rock festival totally forgetting to take my drugs. As I was in a sneezing discharging mess I was directed to the healing field and the first tent on the right was the travelling homoeopaths collective. I went in there and a lady asked me many totally irrelevant questions – in my opinion anyway. She then prescribed me one pill of Euphrasia 30 C. Despite my uninformed opinion that there was absolutely no chance of this helping me, within an hour my hayfever has virtually disappeared and remained so for the remnants of the festival. I was so astonished at this transformation of a supposedly incurable condition that I investigated the possibility of using homoeopathy in animals and in October was enrolled on the homoeopathic physicians teaching group in Oxford. It was at that school that I discovered that firstly education could be fascinating and fun unlike my sad experience at Cambridge University studying to be a vet. I also learned that there was a philosophy to disease and that animals not only had emotions similar to humans but if the mental stress was severe it could result in physical pathology. I had some stunning successes in severe conditions such as pemphigus and cancer quite quickly
There was no turning back after that and the learning process has never stopped.
Q2. Please provide a summary of how Homeopathy fits with the other treatments/services you offer your patients:
When I still had my conventional practice I would attempt to treat every chronic disease that was going to require continual drugging with homoeopathy first before resorting to the conventional options. For the last 16 years I have only been using homoeopathy and giving advice about feeding a decent diet