Dr Marliese Symons
Chiropractor & Homeopath
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
It started more than 30 years ago. I turned up at Ainsworths Pharmacy and asked Tony (Pinkus) for a job, after reading Vithoulkas’ ‘Science of Homeopathy’. I was a new (and broke) science graduate and wanted to study homeopathy, but had no means to do so. Thankfully he employed me and then nominated me for a Queen Elizabeth (QEST) scholarship which amazingly funded me to go to homeopathy college for three years, full time. I’ve been in practice ever since. I did the fantastic Dynamis course, and other CPD over the years, particularly in India, which I visit as often as possible.
How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?
I qualified in homeopathy before chiropractic, so I was steeped in homeopathic philosophy and clinical cases. As a chiropractor, I have a very short time to treat patients and then introduce them to the possibilities of homeopathy. Chiropractic patients are often completely unaware of what homeopathy can achieve. Most cases are acute or sub-acute and I only have one opportunity to get results – patients have high expectations! Thankfully homeopathy is spectacular and prescribing on keynotes can bring incredible results, saving patients from pain, surgery or allopathic drugs with side effects. I’m called a ‘magician’ by some patients, because they don’t understand how a few small doses of homeopathic medicine can cure Du Puytren’s contracture (and avoid surgery), or turn Breech babies (avoiding painful manual manipulation), or cure painful ingrowing toenails (avoiding surgery). Once they experience results with acute conditions, they ask more questions and present with their chronic conditions to be treated.