Dr Richard Savage
B.Sc (Hon.), MB, BS, LRCP, MRCS, DObst.RCOG, FFHom
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
After 2 years in a rural dispensing general practice I became disillusioned with the way things were developing in modern medicine, with the emphasis on synthetic drugs which were increasingly expensive, having side-effects, and not really curing the patient. After reading in the Apocryphal Book of Sirach, Chapter 38, how God had created medicines out of the earth and a sensible man will not despise them, I began to study homeopathy, and put it to the test with very encouraging results. After passing the Faculty examination I set up my own private practice in complementary medicine.
How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?
At that time I was the only homeopathically qualified doctor in the area, and patients came to me through word of mouth who were either gripped of complementary medical treatment or who had medical problems that were not being helped by synthetic drugs. I used to attend the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital where there was a flourishing out-patient department, many coming with what we nicknamed the TEETH syndrome – “Tried everything else – try homeopathy” and I subsequently became a Clinical Fellow there for 6 years before retiring professionally altogether 3 years later. Over the years I added dietary advice and counselling to my clinical knowledge and used synthetic drugs less and less. I also carried out some research and the results were extremely encouraging with around 70% of all unselected outpatients being cured or significantly improved on homeopathic treatment. Although I am officially retired, well-tried homeopathic medicines continue to be of value at home, and abroad on missionary trips to Africa and other places.