Dr Brian Kaplan
Medical Doctor
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
In my internship year I saw a book on sale for the equivalent of £1 in an ‘alternative’ bookshop in South Africa. It was Homoeopathy: An Introductory Guide
by A. C. Gordon Ross. I’d heard homeopathy being disparaged at medical school but what struck me about the book is that it was by a medical doctor. I read it and what moved me was not any homeopathic theory but the way the author listened to his patients holistically. At the end he advised any young doctor wanting to learn more to write to the Faculty which is what I did.
How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?
I describe myself as a medically trained doctor practising whole person medicine. My patients are people looking either for homeopathy specifically or an holistic approach from a doctor. Every patient gets at least an hour’s assessment (and a physical examination if needed) before I give my opinion on the situation and what can or should be done e.g. more investigations, referral to a specialist or conventional treatment but will always include some whole person treatment and in the vast majority of cases, the prescription of a homeopathic remedy based on a classical approach. My patients understand that I will always favour an holistic approach including homeopathy unless there is a risk of death or irreversible damage to their health. They also feel reassured that a doctor with knowledge of homeopathy and conventional medicine has listened to them properly, made an assessment of the situation and recommended a path forward.
To listen to podcast interview with Dr Brian Kaplan click here