Dr Micha Bitschnau
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
I completed my classical homeopathic training at the same time as my medical studies and began to run a homeopathic outpatient clinic at my clinic already during my residency at the University Hospital of Vienna, Department for Obstetrics. Since I had no restrictions to use homeopathy with pregnant women and women in childbirth as well as in the puerperium at the university clinic, I was able to gain a lot of experience in just a few years, which I later gladly passed on to gynaecologists and midwives as a lecturer. Many of my experiences have been incorporated into my book "Homöopathie in der Frauenheilkunde" Urban Schwarzenberg Verlag 2016.
How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?
I cannot imagine my work as a gynaecologist and obstetrician without homeopathy. On the other hand, I could never imagine doing homeopathy without knowing and using all the possibilities of modern conventional medicine. I clarify with each patient whether homeopathic therapy alone, a combination with conventional medicine or a conventional medical method alone is desired or indicated. Every patient I operate on is given homeopathic adjunctive treatment. This approach has proven very successful, as I have to prescribe much less pharmacological medication and have fewer complications after surgery.