Dr Kusum S Chand
MBBS; MD(Med); MFHom
Medical Doctor
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
A child in the family had a respiratory allergy. Three senior paediatricians were looking after him; yet the child continued to suffer. The allergy specialist recommended steam inhalations, another prescribed an antibiotic, which was negated by the third. The family was consoled by the assurance that the allergy would disappear as he grew older.
At the same time, I was troubled by a recurrent urinary tract infection. Progressively, the episodes became more frequent and needed a longer course of antibiotics. One day, the urine culture report showed the growth of a drug resistant bacterium. All this made me look towards homeopathy.
How do you integrate Homeopathy in your professional practice?
As an allopath, I would try homeopathy in conditions where there was no specific cure in allopathy, as in skin conditions, viral infections, allergic conditions. In a chronic case, which either showed unsatisfactory response to treatment or needed too many medicines for multiple symptoms, I added homeopathic medicine with the patient’s approval. The result was two prescriptions: one of allopathy for the diagnosed disease and other of homeopathy for symptomatic relief. Though there were two prescriptions, yet the total number of medicines was less and compliance was more.
After two decades of practice, when the number of homeopathic prescriptions surpassed those of allopathy, I became a homeopath by taking the MF(Hom) examination. Now, I mainly prescribe homeopathy with occasional adjuvants for pain, fever and nutritional supplements. Chronic cases of diabetes, hypertension and malignancy are advised to consult respective specialists and homeopathy has been used as complementary medicine.