Gill Graham
Features Editor of Simile, Homeopath, Writer DHMHS, BSc (Hons) BA (Hons)
How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?
My journey into Integrative Medicine and Homeopathy, was I feel, destined to be. I had a strong awareness, from personal experience, that that the conventional medical approach was at times, inadequate, on its own for common conditions, affecting most of us. This became even more apparent when raising 3 children. There was no time to ask why a child kept getting ear infections or similar ailments, and what outside of a drug approach, could be done to prevent and treat specific conditions. It involved little more than a cursory glance at the patient due to time restraints and the receipt of a prescription, which invariably came with a host of side effects, demanding yet another prescription. There was no looking at the ‘whole picture’ being presented by the patient. There is clearly, a time and a place for conventional medications, but with antimicrobial resistance looming, iatrogenic disease soaring, together with the horrific statistics surrounding the opioid crisis and the associated addiction to prescription drugs, with dangerous side effects, I feel action to minimise their use is essential.
I recognised that radical change to the system was needed, and wanted to be instrumental in doing so. I felt and still do, that education of the patient into optimum health is key, whilst the removal of maintaining causes is paramount. I became qualified in several holistic therapies, including reflexology and clinical aromatherapy, then when time allowed, embarked on my intense 5-year homeopathic journey, starting with a BSC degree in homeopathy, (University of West London) followed by a 1-year, Advanced Post Graduate Program at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, with a strong focus on a medical approach.
How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?
Ever since I qualified, I have had a great desire to educate others through the sharing of information regarding homeopathy and all aspects of integrated health management and in particular, highlighting the ongoing positive research. I have subsequently written for many homeopathic organisations, including and Hpathy.com, where I recently received an Award for Excellence, Magic Pills Movie and regular blogs for 4H. As Features Editor for The Faculty ‘s Simile now, this is where much of my current focus lies, as part of a great editorial board, buzzing with ideas! In addition, I have a strong urge to keep learning and extending my knowledge. I recently did a year’s course in in Herbalism for Homeopaths, and this year I received ‘Specialist Training in CBD oil,’ Over the summer, I completed an intensive course in the Bach Flower remedies.
My homeopathic practice therefore combines ongoing studying, writing and editorial work. Homeopathy continues to be my main focus, but my extensive knowledge across the spectrum of Integrative Therapies, is always useful and regularly tapped into, in both my contact with patients and my writing.
My vision going forward, is to see a world in which the best of alternative and traditional medicine integrates with the best of modern medicine, in the best interests of the patient. It is important to educate and empower the patient to be responsible for their own health by giving them the knowledge to do so, and by encouraging them to seek appropriate advice when necessary.