Dr Samantha Jugdev

BSc(Hons), BDS(Brist), PGCME, FFHom(Dent)

How did you start your journey in Homeopathy?

Whilst I was serving in the army I discovered that a few of my patients were using homeopathy so I thought I should know more about it. Once I started using homeopathy I discovered how useful it is alongside dentistry. Now studying and exploring the depths of homeopathy has become a passion and I enjoy teaching it to others. 

How do you integrate Homeopathy into your Practice?

Most of my practice is conventional dentistry. Homeopathy sits very well alongside this mainly on the acute level to help with anxiety, pain and healing after a procedure. Sometimes a patient needs more than this and I find homeopathy effective for conditions that conventional medicine has minimal answers for such as burning mouth syndrome, neuralgia and balancing the microbiome. Quite often my patients visit me because I am open to their personal health choices and they want someone who understands them. Homeopathy opens my practice up to a truly whole-person approach to dental care. 

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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