Homeopath’s Name: Ilse Pedler
Profession: Veterinary Surgeon
Q1. What inspired you to add Homeopathy to your portfolio of treatments?
Homeopathy seemed to keep popping up in my life. My father was a pharmacist and stocked a homeopathic range. When I was 17, I spent a summer in Israel with a young woman who was going back to Vienna to study homeopathy and then in my early years as a vet I became friends with a remarkable Canadian woman who had come to England to study homeopathy and encouraged me to try it with animals.
I did a weekend course at the Royal London Homeopathic hospital in the 1990’s and decided to pick a simple first aid situation at work to try it out. I chose fear of fireworks and all my patients that Autumn got a remedy rather than the sedatives that tended to be prescribed at that time. The results were astounding; some animals that had been terrified for years were now calm, other animals were able to sleep though entire firework displays. I decided I had to find out more, so enrolled on the HPTG course which was truly inspirational and I was well and truly hooked.
Q2. Please provide a summary of how Homeopathy fits with the other treatments/services you offer your patients?
I started using homeopathy mostly in first aid situations as the results could be rapid and remarkable. However, the cases I found frustrating in conventional practice were those where animals had multiple problems and were often prescribed several different drugs and then experienced side effects from interactions. I found the process of a homeopathic consultation and unravelling what was at the heart of a case and giving the appropriate homeopathic medicine, could often bring just as deep and long- lasting improvements as first aid treatment. A lot of animals could have their medication reduced and I saw time after time improvements in overall demeanour and vitality. I no longer felt helpless when complex cases came into my consulting room, I started thinking, here is a case where I can really make a difference.